How to Stop a Snap Hook in Golf

Golfers who struggle with a snap hook know how frustrating it can be to watch their shots veer sharply to the left (for right-handed players). If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this article, we will provide helpful tips and techniques to help you stop a snap hook and improve your accuracy on the course.

Understanding the basics of a snap hook is crucial for finding effective solutions. We’ll discuss what causes a snap hook and how to identify signs that indicate you’re dealing with this issue. Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, we’ll dive into various techniques that can correct a snap hook, such as grip adjustments, proper alignment, and swing path corrections.

But that’s not all! We also have some drills up our sleeve that specifically target fixing the dreaded snap hook. These drills include the alignment stick drill, impact bag drill, and swing path drill – all designed to hone your skills and eliminate those errant hooks from your game.

To ensure your efforts are focused in the right direction, we’ll highlight common mistakes golfers make when trying to fix a snap hook so that you can avoid them. Finally, we will wrap up with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to address any lingering concerns or uncertainties you may have.

By following the advice provided here and putting in some practice time on these techniques and drills, you’ll be able to overcome your snap hook issue with confidence. So let’s get started!

The Basics of a Snap Hook

When I think about fixing a snap hook in my golf swing, the first step is to really grasp why this frustrating shot happens. So, let’s take a deep dive into the factors behind a snap hook and figure out how to identify the signs that show I might be struggling with it. Once we have a solid understanding of what causes it, we can move on to learning effective techniques and drills in the upcoming chapters. Join me as we explore strategies on how to put an end to that annoying snap hook in golf!

What Causes a Snap Hook?

A snap hook in golf can be a frustrating shot that takes your ball sharply to the left (for right-handed players). Understanding the causes of a snap hook is essential for improving your swing and preventing this issue in the future.

One common cause of a snap hook is closed clubface at impact. When the clubface is closed, it means that the face is pointing towards left of the target at impact. This causes sidespin on the ball, resulting in a sharp hook.

Another factor that can lead to a snap hook is excessive body rotation without proper control. If your body stops turning before you strike the ball, it can cause an overactive release with closed clubface which results in a duck hook.

Poor grip can also be a culprit. If your grip is too strong or if you have your hands too far ahead of the ball at impact, it can lead to excessive closure of the clubface and cause a duck hook.

Lastly, the swing path plays a crucial role in determining whether you hit a straight shot or incur undesired curvature. A swing path that goes too much from inside-out creates an out-to-in club path leading to fewer slices but more snaps hooks.

By understanding these causes, you can implement appropriate techniques and drills to correct your swing and eliminate those frustrating snap hooks from your game.

Signs of a Snap Hook

When it comes to the dreaded snap hook in golf, there are telltale signs that can help you identify if you’re struggling with this frustrating shot. One common sign is when the ball starts left of your target line and dramatically hooks to the left (for right-handed golfers). Additionally, you may notice that your shots have a low trajectory and don’t travel very far. Another indicator is an overly closed clubface at impact, which causes the ball to turn sharply left. Observing these signs will allow you to understand if a snap hook is affecting your game. In the next section, we will explore techniques to correct and prevent this issue.

Techniques to Correct a Snap Hook

In the previous section, we discussed the basics of a snap hook in golf, including what causes it and how to recognize the signs. Now, let’s dive into techniques that can help you correct this dreaded shot. By focusing on your grip, alignment, swing path, and release, you’ll be able to straighten out your shots and avoid those frustrating hooks. We’ll also explore some helpful drills and common mistakes to avoid along the way. So let’s get started on improving your game and saying goodbye to those pesky snap hooks!

Proper Grip

A proper grip is essential in correcting a snap hook in your golf swing. The way you hold the club directly affects the clubface angle at impact, which plays a significant role in determining the ball’s flight path. To fix a snap hook, make sure to have a neutral grip where both hands work together harmoniously. Place your hands comfortably on the handle with your lead hand (left for right-handed golfers) slightly rotated counterclockwise, and your trail hand (right for right-handed golfers) mirroring that position. This grip promotes a square clubface at impact and helps eliminate excessive hand rotation that can lead to a snap hook. Take time to practice and refine your grip to gain better control over your shots.

Correct Alignment

To eliminate a snap hook in golf, achieving proper alignment is crucial. Correct alignment ensures that your body and club are positioned appropriately to hit the ball straight without excessive curvature.

One key aspect of alignment is aiming—the direction you want the ball to go once it’s hit. Aim towards your intended target, aligning your body parallel to the target line. The next step is aligning your clubface. It should be square to the target line at address.

Consider your stance as well. Position yourself with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed, and weight evenly distributed on both feet. Your shoulders should also align parallel to the target line.

Remember, maintaining correct alignment throughout your swing will help you strike the ball accurately and prevent unnecessary side spins like a snap hook.

Swing Path and Release

To correct a snap hook in your golf swing, you need to focus on two key factors: swing path and release. First, let’s talk about swing path. The swing path is the direction in which the clubhead travels during your swing. When you’re dealing with a snap hook, it means that your swing path is too far inside-to-outside, causing the ball to start left of your target.

To fix this issue, try to correct your swing path by swinging more from the inside. This can be achieved by keeping your hands and arms closer to your body during the downswing and releasing the club earlier, ensuring that it goes straighter through impact.

The next important factor is release. Your release refers to how you square the clubface at impact. With a snap hook, it’s likely that you’re not releasing the club properly and instead leaving it too closed or shut.

To prevent snap hooks, focus on a stronger grip of the club to encourage a squarer clubface position at impact. Additionally, pay attention to how you rotate your wrists through impact – ensure that both hands are turning over freely for better control over clubface orientation.

Remember, making adjustments to your swing path and release can take time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen immediately; keep working on it consistently until these changes become second nature in order to eliminate those dreaded snaps hooks from your game!

Drills to Fix a Snap Hook

In order to fix a snap hook in your golf game, it’s important to practice specific drills that target the root causes of this frustrating shot. In this section, we will explore some effective drills that can help correct a snap hook and improve your overall swing. By incorporating these drills into your practice routine, you’ll be on your way to hitting straighter, more consistent shots off the tee. Let’s jump right in!

Alignment Stick Drill

The Alignment Stick Drill is a powerful technique to help you correct a snap hook in golf. This drill focuses on improving your golf alignment and ensuring that you are properly aligned with your target.

To perform the Alignment Stick Drill, place two alignment sticks or clubs parallel to each other on the ground, forming a guide for your swing path. Position one stick along your target line and the other stick pointing towards your feet line. Ensure that these sticks are properly aligned with where you want the ball to go.

When you address the ball, position yourself so that your clubhead is aligned between these sticks. This will promote a proper swing path and prevent excessive inside-out movements that lead to a snap hook.

As you practice this drill, focus on maintaining good posture and engaging your golf balance throughout the swing. By using an alignment guide, you’ll develop better muscle memory and train yourself to hit consistent shots without fear of the dreaded snap hook.

Remember, consistency comes from focused training, so take advantage of this simple and effective Alignment Stick Drill to improve your game and eliminate those pesky snap hooks!

Impact Bag Drill

The Impact Bag Drill is a highly effective technique to help golfers stop a snap hook. This drill focuses on improving your swing path and release, which are crucial elements in correcting the issue.

  1. Set up an impact bag or a large bag filled with towels in front of you.
  2. Take your normal address position and make a practice swing, focusing on hitting the bag at impact.
  3. Pay attention to your hand position and ensure that your hands are slightly ahead of the clubhead at impact.
  4. Practice shifting your weight properly through the downswing, ensuring that your belt buckle faces the target at impact.
  5. Strive for a smooth release of the clubhead after impact, allowing for a full extension of your arms.

By repeating this drill consistently, you can train your muscles to create the correct swing path and release needed to eliminate the snap hook from your game. It is important to remember that consistency and patience are key in mastering any golf technique.

Next, let’s explore another impactful drill – The Swing Path Drill – to further enhance your understanding and ability to fix a snap hook in golf.

Swing Path Drill

The Swing Path Drill is an effective technique to correct a snap hook in your golf swing. It focuses on improving your swing path and promoting a more consistent ball flight.

  1. Setup: Start by addressing the ball with your normal grip and stance.
  2. Alignment: Place an alignment stick or golf club on the ground parallel to your target line. The stick should be positioned just outside of your ball.
  3. Swing Path: During your backswing, focus on swinging the club along the path of the alignment stick. This will help you prevent an inside-to-out swing path which can lead to a snap hook.
  4. Release: As you reach impact, make sure that your clubface is square to the target line and not closed. Avoid flipping or rolling your hands excessively as this can exacerbate a snap hook.

This drill helps train your muscle memory and reinforces a proper club path through impact, leading to straighter shots and eliminating the dreaded snap hook from creeping into your game. Practice this drill regularly at the driving range, gradually increasing speed and accuracy until it becomes ingrained in your natural swing motion.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When you’re on a mission to enhance your golf game and rectify a snap hook, it becomes crucial to acknowledge the usual blunders that might impede your progress. Negating these stumbling blocks paves the way for triumph on the golf course. Here in this segment, we’ll delve into some of the most prevalent mistakes golfers tend to make while attempting to rectify a snap hook. Grasping these slip-ups will steer you towards achieving an arrow-straight, pinpoint accurate shot. So let’s dig deeper into what should be sidestepped when endeavoring to fix a snap hook in golf.


When faced with a snap hook, it’s common for golfers to overcompensate in an attempt to correct their ball flight. However, this can often lead to further issues and frustration on the course. One of the most important things to remember when trying to fix a snap hook is to avoid making drastic changes to your technique or swing. Instead of trying to force a correction, it’s essential to take a step back and assess what might be contributing to the problem.

Overcompensation often occurs when golfers try too hard or make sudden adjustments in an effort to counteract the snap hook. This can result in an exaggerated swing path, faulty grip, or unstable posture. Instead of finding a solution, overcompensating causes more confusion and inconsistency in your game.

To avoid overcompensating, focus on making small and gradual adjustments that address the root cause of your snap hook. Work with a golf instructor who can analyze your swing and provide personalized guidance. By taking a measured approach to correcting your snap hook without overcompensating, you’ll have a better chance of improving your ball flight and enjoying more consistent results on the course.”

Ignoring Fundamentals

One of the most common mistakes that golfers make when trying to fix a snap hook is ignoring the fundamentals. It’s easy to get caught up in all the technical aspects and forget about the basics. But in reality, these fundamentals play a crucial role in preventing snap hooks and improving your overall game.

First and foremost, check your grip. Many snap hooks are a result of an incorrect or overly strong grip. Make sure your hands are placed properly on the club, with your left hand (for right-handed golfers) in control and your right hand supporting. A neutral grip will help you maintain control over the clubface throughout your swing.

Next, pay attention to proper alignment. Your body alignment should be parallel to your target line, while your feet should be shoulder-width apart with a slight flare towards the target. This ensures that you’re set up for success from the beginning.

Lastly, focus on your swing path and release. A snap hook often occurs when the club swings too far inside on the backswing and comes through too quickly on an exaggerated inside-out path on the downswing. Practice swinging along an imaginary straight line to keep your swing on track and prevent excessive rotation of the hands through impact.

By paying attention to these fundamental aspects of your swing, you can avoid falling into common pitfalls that lead to snap hooks. Remember, mastering these basics will not only help you eliminate snap hooks but also improve other areas of your game as well.


What is a snap hook in golf?

A snap hook is a shot that starts straight or slightly to the right and then curves sharply to the left for right-handed golfers (opposite for left-handed golfers).

What causes a snap hook?

A snap hook is usually caused by a combination of factors, including an incorrect grip, poor alignment, and an inside-to-out swing path.

How can I know if I have a snap hook?

Signs of a snap hook include the ball starting right of the target and quickly hooking left, a closed clubface at impact, and a lower ball flight.

How can I fix a snap hook?

To fix a snap hook, you can start by correcting your grip, ensuring proper alignment, and working on your swing path and release.

What are some drills to fix a snap hook?

Some drills to fix a snap hook include the alignment stick drill, impact bag drill, and swing path drill.

What are common mistakes to avoid when trying to fix a snap hook?

Common mistakes to avoid include overcompensating by swinging too far to the right or left, and ignoring the fundamentals of grip, alignment, and swing mechanics.


In conclusion, addressing a snap hook in your golf game requires a combination of understanding the root causes and implementing proper techniques. By focusing on your grip, alignment, swing path, and release, you can gradually correct the issue and improve your accuracy on the course. Additionally, practicing specific drills such as the alignment stick drill, impact bag drill, and swing path drill can help reinforce the correct movements and eliminate the snap hook from your shots. It’s important to avoid overcompensating or ignoring fundamental aspects of your swing during this process. Stay committed to improving your technique and with patience and practice, you’ll be able to eliminate those dreaded snap hooks from your game. Remember to enjoy the journey of improving your golf skills while staying dedicated to achieving better results on each round you play.