How to Stop Flipping at the Golf Ball

Golf is a game that requires a combination of skill, precision, and strategy. One essential aspect of the game is the golf swing, which can make or break your performance on the course. In this article, we will explore the issue of flipping at the golf ball and how to stop it for better ball striking and accuracy.

To address the problem of flipping, it’s important to first understand what it means in terms of golf technique. Flipping refers to an improper release of the clubhead through impact, resulting in inconsistent contact with the ball and a loss of control over shot trajectory. When we flip at the golf ball, instead of hitting down on it with a descending blow as intended, our wrists unhinge prematurely causing us to lose power and accuracy.

In this section, we’ll discuss common causes for flipping during your swing and provide guidance on correcting this motion for more consistent results on every swing. By implementing some fundamental changes in your technique along with specific drills tailored to help you eliminate flipping from your swing pattern altogether

Understanding the Golf Swing

To level up my golf game and eliminate that pesky flipping habit, I realized it’s crucial to grasp the inner workings of a perfect golf swing. By truly comprehending how this motion should be executed, I empower myself to make the vital adjustments. So let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the golf swing, unraveling even the notorious flip technique responsible for those unpredictable shots. Buckle up as we embark on an exploration of the fundamental elements that constitute a flawless golf swing.

The Flipping Technique

The flipping technique in golf can greatly affect the consistency and accuracy of your swing. It refers to the improper release of the clubhead through impact, causing your wrists to break early and resulting in a weak contact with the ball. This tends to be a common mistake among average golfers who struggle with their swing.

Flipping occurs when you prematurely release your wrists during the downswing, leading to a loss of lag and power. Instead of compressing the ball against the ground, you end up scooping it with an open clubface, resulting in poor distance and accuracy.

To prevent this swing fault, focus on maintaining proper wrist hinge throughout your swing. By keeping your wrists cocked until after impact, you can achieve a crisp strike and solid ball compression. Additionally, work on transferring your weight smoothly from back to front as you rotate through the swing.

By addressing these issues and practicing drills specifically designed for combating flipping, you can improve your golf swing consistency and achieve better results on the course.

Common Causes of Flipping

To truly tackle a problem, we must first grasp its true origin. In the illustrious realm of golf, the pesky act of flipping the ball can be attributed to a handful of familiar culprits. These mischief-makers sow discord in your swing, introducing doubt and frustration into your quest for golfing glory. Without further ado, let us delve into the intricate workings of poor clubhead lag and wayward weight transfer – the dastardly duo behind this insidious golfing flaw. By developing an intimate understanding of these two miscreants, you shall possess the tools necessary to recalibrate your swing and banish flipping from your golfing pursuits once and for all.

Poor Clubhead Lag

One important factor that contributes to flipping at the golf ball is poor clubhead lag. This occurs when the golfer fails to maintain proper control and lag of the clubhead during their swing. When there is a lack of lag, the hands tend to be ahead of the clubhead at impact, leading to inconsistent and weak shots.

To improve clubhead lag, it is essential to focus on your grip and wrist action. Make sure you have a firm grip on the club without excessive tension. As you initiate your downswing, allow your wrists to hinge naturally and maintain that wrist angle through impact. This will help create more leverage and power in your swing.

Additionally, incorporating drills like the “Impact Bag Drill” and “Fingers on Shaft Drill” can further enhance your ability to maintain proper clubhead lag. These exercises encourage you to feel the sensation of a late release and promote a more consistent and powerful strike.

Remember, correcting poor clubhead lag requires practice and patience. With dedication and these techniques in mind, you’ll be able to eliminate flipping at the golf ball and achieve better results on the course.

Incorrect Weight Transfer

When it comes to the golf swing, weight transfer plays a crucial role in achieving proper form and generating power. Incorrect weight transfer can lead to flipping at the golf ball and result in inconsistent shots. Flipping occurs when there is an early release of the clubhead, causing the wrists to break down before impact.

One common cause of flipping is improper weight transfer during the swing. If you fail to shift your weight properly from your back foot to your front foot, you may find yourself flipping at impact. This can occur when there is insufficient rotation of your body and upper body dominance during the downswing.

To correct this issue, focus on initiating your downswing with a rotational movement of your torso instead of using only your upper body. Engage your lower body by starting with a slight rotation of your hips towards the target. This will allow for smooth weight transfer and prevent excessive flipping at impact.

By understanding and addressing incorrect weight transfer in your golf swing mechanics, you can improve consistency and accuracy in your shots.

Correcting the Flipping Motion

Once you have a clear understanding of the flipping technique in golf and have identified the common causes behind it, it’s time to take action and correct this motion in your swing. In this section, we will explore two key strategies that can help you put an end to flipping: maintaining wrist hinge and implementing proper weight shift. By practicing these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a more consistent and powerful golf swing. Additionally, we’ll also provide some helpful drills to reinforce these corrections and address common mistakes that can hinder progress. So let’s dive in and learn how to stop flipping at the golf ball.

Maintain Wrist Hinge

To improve your golf swing and stop flipping at the ball, it’s essential to maintain proper wrist hinge throughout your swing. When you “fix your flip,” you want to feel a solid impact and avoid releasing the club too early.

One way to maintain wrist hinge is by focusing on your grip pressure. Hold the club with a light but secure grip, allowing your wrists to remain flexible during the swing. This will promote better control and prevent premature release.

Another tip is to pay attention to your palm position. Keep the palm of your lead hand facing towards the target throughout the downswing. This ensures that you don’t flip the club early and helps maintain the necessary wrist hinge for a powerful strike.

Remember, maintaining proper wrist hinge is crucial for achieving consistent contact and optimal distance in your shots. By practicing this technique, you’ll be on your way to a more reliable and accurate golf swing.

Proper Weight Shift

Achieving a consistent and powerful golf swing is absolutely crucial for success on the course. The key to this lies in mastering the proper weight shift, which involves shifting your body weight from your back foot to your front foot during the swing. Don’t underestimate the importance of this movement – it’s what enables you to generate serious power and maintain control throughout your swing.

So, how do you ensure a flawless weight shift? Well, it all starts with establishing a balanced setup. As you address the ball, make sure to distribute your weight evenly between both feet and keep your knees slightly flexed. This sets the foundation for a solid swing. Now, as you initiate the swing, put all your focus into seamlessly transferring your weight onto your front foot during the downswing.

Here’s an excellent drill that will help you master this essential aspect of your golf swing – the “Step Drill.” To perform this drill, simply take a small step forward with your front foot as you begin the downswing. By doing so, you’ll be encouraging a smooth and effective weight transfer while maintaining perfect balance throughout each shot.

Mastering the art of proper weight shift within your golf swing will do wonders for enhancing consistency in striking the ball and generating more power in every shot. Dedicate yourself to practicing and honing this fundamental aspect of your game – soon enough, you’ll witness remarkable improvements across every facet of your golfing journey.

Drills to Stop Flipping

In order to fix the problem of flipping at the golf ball, there are a number of drills that can be performed. These drills aim to help you develop a more consistent and controlled swing. By practicing these exercises, you will gradually eliminate the flipping motion and achieve better results on the course. In the following section, we will explore two effective drills that can assist in breaking this habit: the Impact Bag Drill and the Fingers on Shaft Drill. Let’s take a closer look at how these drills can improve your swing technique and prevent flipping.

Impact Bag Drill

The Impact Bag Drill is a highly effective training exercise to help you stop flipping at the golf ball. This drill focuses on improving your golf swing impact, ensuring that you achieve solid contact with the ball and eliminate unwanted flipping motion.

To perform the Impact Bag Drill, you will need an impact bag or a stack of old towels placed inside a duffel bag. Here are the steps:

  1. Set up in your normal golf swing setup position, with the impact bag positioned just in front of your target, slightly ahead of where the actual ball would be.
  2. Take some practice swings, making sure to focus on hitting the impact bag with a downward strike rather than scooping it.
  3. As you swing through impact, imagine compressing the bag and driving it into the ground.
  4. Pay attention to your hand position and grip pressure. Make sure that your hands are leading the clubhead through impact, maintaining wrist hinge for as long as possible.
  5. Practice this drill repetitively to grove a more consistent impact position without flipping.

The Impact Bag Drill helps you develop better wrist control, allowing for proper shaft lean at impact and preventing early release or flipping of the wrists. By mastering this drill, you’ll improve your overall ball-striking ability and increase distance and accuracy in your shots.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to eliminating flipping in your golf swing. Incorporate this drill regularly into your practice routine to build muscle memory and reinforce proper impact mechanics.

Fingers on Shaft Drill

To improve your golf swing and prevent flipping at the ball, try incorporating the “Fingers on Shaft” drill into your practice routine. This drill helps to develop proper hand action and maintain a consistent wrist hinge throughout the swing.

To perform this drill, start by gripping the golf club with just your lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers). Ensure that your fingers are positioned comfortably on the shaft, maintaining a light grip pressure. This grip allows for better control and feel throughout the swing.

Next, take small practice swings with a focus on keeping your lead arm extended and your wrist hinged through impact. The goal is to avoid any excessive flipping or scooping of the wrists.

By practicing this drill regularly, you’ll develop a more stable clubface position at impact and promote a square face to target alignment. This will result in improved ball contact, increased accuracy, and greater distance in your golf shots.

Incorporate the “Fingers on Shaft” drill into your golf training sessions to gain a better understanding of proper hand action during the swing. Remember, consistency is key – so be sure to practice this drill regularly for optimal results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Improving my golf swing is not just about learning the correct techniques, but also about avoiding common mistakes that many golfers make. In this section, I will share with you some of the most common mistakes to avoid when trying to stop flipping at the ball. By being aware of these mistakes and making a conscious effort to avoid them, we can greatly increase our chances of having a more consistent and accurate swing. So let’s dive into two key areas that often contribute to flipping: overly active hands and lack of practice.

First off, overly active hands can really hinder our swing technique. When we use our hands too much during the swing, it causes an unwanted flipping motion at impact. This leads to inconsistent shots and a lack of control over the ball’s trajectory. To overcome this, we need to focus on keeping our hands passive and allowing the clubhead to do the work for us. By maintaining a light grip pressure and letting our body rotation generate power, we can achieve a smoother and more controlled swing without the unnecessary flipping action.

Another common mistake that many golfers make is simply not practicing enough. Golf is a game that requires practice to improve, and neglecting this aspect can hinder our progress significantly. Without regular practice sessions, it becomes difficult to develop muscle memory and refine our swing mechanics. Consistency in golf is built through repetition, so it’s crucial to dedicate time each week for focused practice sessions. Whether it’s hitting balls at the driving range or working on specific drills recommended by your coach, consistent practice will help solidify proper swing mechanics and ultimately reduce flipping tendencies in your game.

In conclusion, avoiding these common mistakes – overly active hands and lack of practice – can have a profound impact on your golf swing improvement journey. Remember to let go of excessive hand actions during your swings and prioritize regular practice sessions to build consistency. By making these adjustments, you’ll be well on your way towards achieving a more reliable and accurate swing that leads to better results on the course.

Overly Active Hands

When trying to improve your golf swing, one common mistake that many golfers make is having overly active hands. This refers to using too much hand and wrist action during the swing, which can lead to flipping at the golf ball and inconsistency in your shots.

Flipping occurs when you release the club too early, causing the clubhead to pass your hands before impact. This results in a loss of power and accuracy, as well as a low trajectory on the ball flight. Instead of relying on proper body rotation and timing, golfers who flip tend to try to hit the ball with their hands alone.

To avoid this error, it is important to focus on maintaining a strong grip and keeping your wrists firm throughout the swing. By doing so, you will have better control over the clubface and prevent excessive hand movement. Additionally, incorporating drills such as the Impact Bag Drill or Fingers on Shaft Drill can help train you to maintain proper hand position and reduce flipping.

Remember that developing a consistent golf swing takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself as you work on eliminating this flaw from your game.

Lack of Practice

When it comes to improving your golf swing and eliminating the flipping motion, one of the most common mistakes that golfers make is not practicing enough. Developing a consistent and solid golf swing requires regular practice and dedication.

Many players underestimate the amount of time and effort required to master the fundamentals of a proper golf swing. Without consistent practice, it’s easy to fall back into old habits, including flipping at impact.

To break this vicious cycle, it’s important to dedicate time to practicing your swing on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean simply hitting balls on the range aimlessly; rather, it involves focusing on specific aspects of your swing that need improvement.

By incorporating targeted drills like the Impact Bag Drill or Fingers on Shaft Drill into your practice routine, you can specifically address the issues related to flipping. These drills help train your body to maintain proper wrist hinge and promote the correct weight shift during the swing.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to honing your golf swing skills. Set aside dedicated time each week for focused practice sessions and incorporate drills that target flipping issues. With consistent effort and repetition, you’ll see significant improvements in your ball-striking ability and experience greater consistency in your shots.


What is flipping in golf?

Flipping in golf refers to an incorrect motion where the hands flip the clubhead through impact, resulting in a loss of power and accuracy.

What causes flipping in the golf swing?

Flipping can be caused by poor clubhead lag, incorrect weight transfer, and other swing faults that disrupt the proper sequencing of the swing.

How can I correct the flipping motion?

To correct flipping, it is important to maintain wrist hinge throughout the swing and ensure a proper weight shift from back foot to front foot.

Are there any drills to help stop flipping?

Yes, there are drills that can help. Two effective drills are the Impact Bag Drill and the Fingers on Shaft Drill.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when trying to stop flipping?

Two common mistakes to avoid are being overly active with your hands and not practicing enough to reinforce the correct motion.


In conclusion, stopping the flipping motion in your golf swing is crucial for improving your ball striking and overall game. By understanding the mechanics of the golf swing and identifying common causes of flipping, you can work towards correcting this technique. Remember to maintain wrist hinge throughout the swing and focus on proper weight shift to encourage a solid impact position. Additionally, practicing with drills such as the Impact Bag Drill and Fingers on Shaft Drill will help reinforce the correct motions and reduce flipping tendencies. Avoid common mistakes like relying too much on your hands or neglecting consistent practice. With dedication and persistence, you’ll be able to eliminate flipping from your golf swing and achieve better results on the course.