How to Change a Golf Putter Grip

Changing the grip on your golf putter is a breeze, and it can do wonders for your game. If you’re seeking that extra touch of finesse, impeccable command, or unwavering smoothness in your putting stroke, finding the perfect putter grip is absolutely essential. I’m here to walk you through the process of changing a golf putter grip, one step at a time. Not only will I enlighten you about various types of putter grips and their individual perks but also provide you with some invaluable tips to make sure your grip replacement goes off without a hitch. So gather up your tools because we are about to embark on an incredible journey towards elevating your putting prowess!

Benefits of Changing Putter Grip

When it comes to improving my golf game, I’ve learned that paying attention to the small details can have a huge impact. One aspect that I used to overlook is the grip on my putter. Little did I know, changing my putter grip could actually make a significant difference in my performance on the greens. By improving my feel and control over the putter, as well as enhancing my alignment and consistency, I realized that changing my putter grip might just be the secret to taking my putting game to the next level. So let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore why considering a change in your putter grip could be highly beneficial for you.

Improved Feel and Control

Changing the grip of your golf putter can greatly improve the feel and control you have over your shots. When you hold a club, the grip is the only contact point between you and the club, so it plays a critical role in how well you can swing and control the clubface.

By changing to a different grip, such as one with a larger size or a different texture, you can enhance your connection with the putter. A larger putter grip, for example, allows you to take a more relaxed and gentler grip on the club. This can reduce tension in your hands and wrists, leading to a smoother putting stroke.

Additionally, certain putter grips are designed with specific technologies or materials that provide better traction and feedback. These grips often feature patterns or textures on their surfaces that help secure your hands in place for improved stability during the stroke. The enhanced feedback from these grips lets you have better awareness of where the face of the putter is throughout your stroke.

Ultimately, when you have a better feel for your putter and improved control over its movement, it becomes easier to execute consistent strokes. This translates into greater precision on lag putts, improved distance control on shorter putts, and overall better performance on the greens. So if you’re looking to level up your putting game, changing your golf putter grip is definitely worth considering.

Enhanced Alignment and Consistency

To achieve enhanced alignment and consistency in your putting, changing your golf putter grip can make a significant difference. The grip is the only connection point between you and the putter, so it’s crucial to ensure that it provides optimal comfort and control.

With the right putter grip, you can improve your ability to align the clubface accurately and consistently with your target line. This helps in achieving more accurate putts and avoiding missed shots due to misalignment.

Additionally, a proper putter grip promotes better consistency in your stroke mechanics. It allows you to maintain a stable and repeatable hand position throughout the stroke, resulting in consistent ball contact and distance control.

When selecting a new putter grip for enhanced alignment and consistency, consider factors such as size, texture, and firmness that complement your putting style. Experimenting with different grips may be necessary until you find one that feels comfortable and promotes better alignment and consistency.

By investing time into finding the right putter grip that maximizes alignment potential while promoting consistent strokes, you improve the accuracy of your putting game overall. With improved alignment comes more confidence on the greens, leading to more successful putts.

Types of Putter Grips

When it comes to picking the perfect putter grip, us golfers are spoilt for choice. There’s a whole array of options to consider. Here, we’ll delve into the various types of putter grips that you can find on the market. Whether you’re after a standard grip for that classic touch or an oversized one for extra stability and support, knowing about the different choices available will empower you to make a well-informed decision. So without further ado, let’s embark on a journey through the realm of putter grips and discover their distinctive characteristics in great detail.

Standard Grip

When it comes to putter grips, the standard grip reigns supreme among golfers. It’s a go-to choice for both beginners and professionals because of its versatility and comfy feel. The standard grip usually boasts a classic shape with a gentle taper, ensuring a secure hold on the club throughout your stroke.

But before you settle on a standard grip, there are some key factors to consider. First off, let’s talk about grip size. Finding the right fit for your hands is crucial here. You want a grip that allows your fingers to effortlessly wrap around it without any strain or tension.

Another thing to mull over is the grip material. They can be crafted from all sorts of stuff like rubber, synthetic compounds, or even leather. Each material offers its own unique blend of traction and durability, so go with one that suits your preferences and playing style.

And hey, don’t forget about the texture of the grip surface! Some folks prefer smoother textures for that featherlight touch and minimal hand resistance during their swings. Others may crave a more aggressive texture to amp up their grip and prevent slipping in wet conditions.

At the end of the day, finding the perfect standard grip boils down to personal preference and individual needs. Don’t be afraid to try out different sizes, materials, and textures until you discover the one that elevates your feel and control over the putter. So go forth and experiment – your ideal grip is waiting for you!

Midsize Grip

Midsize grips are a popular choice for golfers looking for an alternative to standard-sized putter grips. These grips offer a slightly larger diameter, providing players with a different feel and more control over their putting stroke.

One of the main advantages of using a midsize grip is improved putter grip consistency. The larger size allows players to hold the grip with a lighter pressure, resulting in less tension in the hands and forearms. This can help promote a smoother putting stroke and reduce the likelihood of mishits or jerky movements.

Additionally, midsize grips can be beneficial for golfers who have larger hands or struggle with hand fatigue. The extra width provides more surface area for the hands to rest on, giving a comfortable and secure feel throughout the stroke.

When choosing a midsize grip, it’s important to consider factors such as putter grip ergonomics and grip tape thickness. These can greatly impact how the grip feels in your hands and how much it influences your putting performance. Experimenting with different styles and thicknesses can help you find the perfect midsize grip that suits your preferences and enhances your game.

Overall, midsize grips offer golfers an alternative option that can improve feel, comfort, and control on the greens. If you’re looking to make a change from standard-sized putter grips, exploring midsize options might just be what takes your putting game to the next level.

Oversize Grip

If you prefer a larger grip size, an oversize putter grip may be the perfect choice for you. Oversize grips are designed to provide more surface area for your hands to hold onto, offering increased stability and control during your putting stroke.

One benefit of using an oversize grip is that it can help reduce wrist movement and promote a smoother, more consistent putting stroke. The larger size allows you to grip the putter with less tension, resulting in improved comfort and reduced muscle strain.

Another advantage of using an oversize grip is its ability to enhance feel and feedback. With more material between your hands and the clubhead, you’ll have a heightened sense of where the clubface is throughout your stroke. This can lead to improved alignment and better distance control on your putts.

When selecting an oversize putter grip, it’s important to consider factors such as weight, texture, and shape. Some grips offer additional features like alignment aids or built-in counterbalancing options. Experimenting with different options will help you find the right fit for your game.

Overall, choosing an oversize grip is a personal preference that can greatly influence your putting performance. Whether you crave enhanced stability or just prefer the feel of a larger grip in your hands, incorporating an oversize putter grip into your game can make a notable difference on the greens.

Steps to Change a Golf Putter Grip

Changing a golf putter grip is serious business. So, let me walk you through the necessary steps to make this process a breeze. From gathering the essential tools to bidding adieu to the old grip and welcoming a brand new one, I’ve got you covered. So, grab your gear and get ready to learn how to change a golf putter grip like a pro!

Gather the necessary tools

To start changing your golf putter grip, it’s important to gather all the necessary tools. Having everything prepared beforehand will make the process smoother and more efficient. Here are the tools you’ll need:

  1. Utility knife: This will be used to remove the old grip and any remaining tape or adhesive on the shaft. Make sure to use it with caution to avoid injury.
  2. Grip solvent: This is essential for lubricating the grip and allowing it to slide onto the shaft easily. You can use specific grip solvents available in golf shops or a suitable substitute like mineral spirits.
  3. Double-sided grip tape: This provides a sticky surface for the new grip to adhere to and ensures a secure fit. You can find this tape specifically designed for golf grips in most golf shops.
  4. Vise or club holder: To hold your putter securely during the regripping process, you’ll need either a vise or a club holder attachment that can be attached to a workbench or table.
  5. Cloth: Keep a clean cloth nearby to wipe off any excess solvent, clean the shaft, or remove any debris that may hinder proper installation of the new grip.

By having these tools readily available, you’ll be well-equipped to change your putter grip without any hassle and ensure optimal performance on the green!

Remove the old grip

  1. Gather the necessary tools: Before starting the process, make sure you have everything you need. You will require a hooked blade or utility knife, solvent to dissolve the adhesive, and a towel or rag to clean the shaft afterward.
  2. Slide the grip: To remove the old grip, start by sliding the hooked blade or utility knife under one end of the grip. Be careful not to damage the shaft while doing this. Slowly work your way around the grip, cutting through any adhesive that is holding it in place.
  3. Peel off the grip: Once you have cut through all sides of the grip, gently peel it off from top to bottom. If there is any remaining adhesive on the shaft, use a solvent-soaked towel or rag to clean it off.
  4. Clean and dry: After removing the old grip, clean and dry both inside and outside of the shaft thoroughly. This step ensures that there is no residue left that could affect your new grip’s adhesion.

By following these steps carefully, you can easily remove an old putter grip in preparation for installing a new one.

Prepare the shaft

To prepare the shaft of your golf putter for a new grip, there are a few steps you need to follow. First, remove the old grip by using a utility knife or hook blade to carefully peel it off. Make sure to start at the top of the shaft and peel towards the bottom. Be cautious not to damage the shaft while doing this.

Once you have removed the old grip, clean any residue or glue left on the shaft with paint thinner or solvent. Use a liberal amount on a clean cloth and wipe down the entire shaft thoroughly. This will ensure that there is no sticky feel or leftover debris that can interfere with installing the new grip.

After cleaning, take a look at the condition of your shaft. If it looks considerably worn or has become damaged over time, you may want to consider replacing it as well. However, if it is in good condition and you want to reuse it, make sure it is dry and free from any excess solvent before moving on to applying the new grip tape.

Remember, preparing your putter’s shaft properly is an important part of changing your putter grip. By following these steps and taking care during this process, you can ensure that your new grip will be securely installed and ready for golfing action!

Apply grip tape and solvent

  1. Prepare the shaft: Before applying the grip tape, make sure you clean the area thoroughly. Remove any old tape residue and ensure that the surface is smooth.
  2. Apply grip tape: Take a double-sided tape and start wrapping it around the shaft from the base up to the desired length. Be careful not to leave any gaps or loose ends. Make sure there is sufficient space at both ends of the shaft for the new grip to fit properly.
  3. Apply solvent: Once the tape is in place, it’s time to apply solvent to activate its adhesive properties. Pour a small amount of grip solvent onto a clean cloth or rag and coat the inside of the new grip with it.
  4. Slide on the new grip: Position yourself at a safe distance from any objects or walls, hold your putter straight up, and align your chosen grip with the square end of your putter shaft. Now, gently slide on the new grip over the taped area by twisting it slightly as you push down.

Remember, when using solvent-based adhesives for installing grips, allow some time for them to dry completely before using your golf club again (usually an hour or so). This step ensures proper bonding between the grip and shaft and prevents any slipping issues during swings.

Install the new grip

To install the new grip, you’ll need grip tape and solvent, which can be purchased at your local golf supply store. Start by cleaning the shaft of the putter to remove any dirt or residue. This will ensure that the grip adheres properly to the club.

Next, apply a strip of double-sided grip tape around the shaft, making sure to leave space for overlap at both ends. The tape should extend from the base of the grip down towards the club face.

Now it’s time to install the new grip. Begin by applying a small amount of solvent to both the inside of the grip and the tape on the shaft. This will allow for easy sliding and proper alignment.

Hold the new grip with one hand and carefully slide it onto the shaft, twisting slightly as you go to evenly distribute any excess solvent. Use firm pressure to push the grip all in place until it is securely seated against the butt end.

Allow some time for everything to dry and set – typically an hour or so should suffice. Once dry, give your newly installed grip a few practice swings to ensure a comfortable fit and proper connection with your swing.

Note: If you’re unsure about any step of this process, it’s always best to seek advice from a professional club fitter or golf technician.

Tips for Changing Putter Grip

Changing your putter grip can be a game-changer for your putting skills. With a few helpful tips, the process can be smooth and rewarding. I’d like to share two important suggestions that will maximize the benefits of your new grip: cleaning the shaft before installation and ensuring proper alignment. By following these tips, you’ll set yourself up for success on the greens. If you’re curious to learn more about this topic, just keep reading!

But first, let’s talk about cleaning the shaft before installing the new grip. This step is often overlooked but incredibly vital! The accumulated dirt, oils, and grime on your putter’s shaft can interfere with the grip’s performance and longevity. To avoid any complications, it’s crucial to give it a thorough clean.

Now onto our second tip: ensuring proper alignment of the new grip. This may seem like a small detail, but trust me when I say it can make a big difference in your game! A misaligned grip can affect your hand placement and ultimately throw off your putting stroke. So take the time to line it up correctly – you won’t regret it.

By heeding these tips, you’ll be well on your way to successfully changing your putter grip and experiencing significant improvements on the greens. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your putting game – keep exploring if you want to dive deeper into this subject!

Clean the shaft before installing the new grip

Before you install the fresh grip on your golf putter, it’s crucial to properly cleanse the shaft. Cleaning the shaft guarantee eliminates any dirt, residue, or old adhesive that might impede the adherence of the new grip.

  1. Start by wiping down the entire shaft with a clean cloth or towel to eliminate surface dust or debris.
  2. Then, take a mild cleaning agent or solvent specifically designed for maintaining golf clubs and apply it to another clean cloth.
  3. Carefully wipe the solvent-soaked cloth along the entire length of the shaft, making sure to thoroughly remove any stubborn dirt or grime.
  4. Once you’ve cleaned the shaft with the solvent, use a fresh cloth dipped in water to wipe away any remaining residue from the cleaning agent.
  5. Lastly, completely dry off the shaft using a dry cloth.

By ensuring that your shaft is pristine before installing the new grip, you create an optimal surface for proper adhesion and ensure longevity for your new grip.

Ensure proper alignment of the new grip

When changing a golf putter grip, it is crucial to ensure proper alignment of the new grip. The alignment plays a significant role in your putting stroke consistency and overall performance on the green.

To ensure proper alignment, start by cleaning the shaft before installing the new grip. This will remove any dirt or debris that could affect the adhesion of the grip. Use a solvent or rubbing alcohol to clean the shaft thoroughly.

Next, carefully align the grip onto the shaft, making sure it is straight and positioned correctly. You can use markings or guidelines on both the grip and shaft to assist with alignment. Take your time during this step as even a slight misalignment can have an impact on your putting accuracy.

Finally, once you are satisfied with the alignment, firmly press the end of the new grip onto the bottom of the club’s shaft. Ensure that there is enough space for any additional tape or build-up layers if necessary.

By paying attention to proper alignment when installing a new putter grip, you’ll enhance your feel and control over your strokes while promoting better consistency in your putting game.


Why should I change my golf putter grip?

Changing your golf putter grip can improve feel, control, alignment, and consistency, resulting in better putting performance.

What are the different types of putter grips?

The different types of putter grips include standard grip, midsize grip, and oversize grip.

What tools do I need to change a golf putter grip?

You will need grip tape, grip solvent, a knife or grip removal tool, a towel, and a new putter grip.

How do I remove the old putter grip?

To remove the old putter grip, use a knife or grip removal tool to carefully cut through the grip and peel it off the shaft.

How do I install the new putter grip?

To install the new putter grip, apply grip tape and solvent to the shaft, then carefully slide the new grip onto the shaft, making sure it is aligned properly.

Are there any tips for changing a putter grip?

Yes, it is recommended to clean the shaft before installing the new grip and ensure proper alignment of the new grip for optimal performance.


In conclusion, changing a golf putter grip can have a significant impact on your game. By replacing your old grip with a new one, you can improve the feel, control, alignment, and consistency of your putting stroke. The process to change a golf putter grip involves gathering the necessary tools, removing the old grip, preparing the shaft, applying grip tape and solvent, and installing the new grip. It is important to clean the shaft before installing the new grip and ensure proper alignment for optimal performance. So don’t hesitate to follow these steps and upgrade your putter grip to enhance your putting performance on the green!