How to Get Width in Golf Swing

When it comes to golf swing, coordination and timing are crucial aspects that can greatly impact your performance on the course. Achieving width in your golf swing is a key fundamental skill that can help improve various elements of your game. In this section, we will explore the importance of getting width in your golf swing and how it can lead to better results overall.

While many golfers may focus solely on generating power or distance, having proper width in your swing allows for a smoother and more controlled motion. It involves maintaining an optimal distance between the clubhead and body throughout the entire swing, from takeaway to follow-through.

By understanding why width is important in the golf swing, you’ll be able to develop effective techniques and avoid common mistakes that can hinder your progress. Whether you’re a beginner looking to establish proper form or an experienced golfer seeking improvement tips, this article will provide valuable insights into achieving greater width in your golf swings. So let’s dive in!

Why Is Width Important in the Golf Swing

The width of your golf swing plays a crucial role in achieving maximum power and accuracy. When it comes to the golf swing, width refers to the extension of your arms away from your body, creating a wide arc during the backswing and downswing.

So, why is width important? Well, maintaining proper width optimizes several key aspects of your swing. Firstly, it promotes golf swing coordination, ensuring that all parts of your body move in sync for a fluid and efficient swing. Secondly, it allows for a golf swing wrist hinge , facilitating a powerful release of energy at impact.

Additionally, width contributes to golf swing lag, allowing you to store up energy during the backswing for explosive clubhead speed at impact. It also enables better control over clubface alignment and helps maintain a consistent alignment throughout the entire swing.

In summary, focusing on width in your golf swing improves rhythm, timing, distance, and overall shot consistency. Now let’s dive into some helpful tips and techniques to help you achieve that desired width in your golf swing!

Getting Wide: Tips and Techniques

In the quest for a powerful and consistent golf swing, one key aspect that cannot be overlooked is width. Having sufficient width in your swing allows you to generate more clubhead speed and improve your overall ball-striking ability. But how exactly can you achieve this desired width? In this section, we will explore some valuable tips and techniques that can help you get wide in your golf swing. From utilizing the right arm effectively to incorporating specialized drills into your practice routine, we will provide you with the tools needed to develop and maintain proper width throughout your swing. So let’s delve into these strategies and unlock the potential for greater distance and accuracy off the tee.

Using the Right Arm for Width

When it comes to achieving width in your golf swing, one important technique is using the right arm effectively. The right arm plays a crucial role in maintaining width and creating power during the swing.

To maximize width with your right arm, focus on keeping it extended throughout the swing. Avoid collapsing or bending the elbow prematurely, as this can lead to a loss of width and decreased power. Instead, concentrate on extending the right arm fully during the backswing and maintaining that extension through impact.

By utilizing your right arm correctly, you’ll create a wide swing arc, enabling you to generate more distance and power in your shots. Practice drills that emphasize proper right-arm extension to train your muscles and reinforce this essential aspect of achieving width in your golf swing.

Next, let’s explore some effective drills specifically designed to improve width in the golf swing.

Drills to Improve Width in the Golf Swing

To achieve a wide and powerful golf swing, it is important to incorporate specific drills into your practice routine. These drills will help you enhance your width, allowing for more consistent and powerful shots. Here are some effective drills to improve width in your golf swing:

  1. The Towel Drill: Place a towel under your armpits and hold it securely while practicing your swing. This drill encourages you to keep your arms extended throughout the swing, promoting a wider arc and better width.
  2. The Balloon Drill: Blow up a balloon and hold it between both forearms as you make your swing. This drill encourages you to maintain connection between your upper arms and body, helping you achieve the desired width.
  3. The Clubhead Speed Drill: Focus on swinging the clubhead through impact with maximum speed. By focusing on generating speed from the correct body movements rather than arm strength, you can develop a wider swing with improved power.

Remember, consistency is key when incorporating these drills into your practice routine. With regular repetition, these drills will help improve the width of your golf swing for better distance and accuracy off the tee.

Maintaining Width throughout the Golf Swing

In order to achieve optimal performance in your golf swing, it is crucial to not only get width, but also maintain it throughout the entire swing. This section will delve into the key elements of width and offer exercises to help you strengthen and maintain it. By understanding and implementing these techniques, you can avoid common mistakes that may hinder your progress. Let’s explore how you can maintain width in your golf swing for consistent and powerful shots.

Understanding the Key Elements of Width

To achieve proper width in your golf swing, it is essential to understand the key elements that contribute to this aspect of your technique. One crucial element is golf swing impact, which refers to the moment when the clubhead makes contact with the golf ball. The impact should be smooth and controlled, allowing for maximum transfer of energy.

Another important element is golf swing tempo, which refers to the speed and rhythm of your swing. Maintaining a consistent tempo throughout your swing helps you generate more power and control.

Furthermore, golf swing timing plays a significant role in achieving width. This refers to the synchronization of your body movements, especially during transitions from backswing to downswing. Proper timing ensures that all parts of your body work together harmoniously to create width.

Lastly, golf swing flexibility and golf swing body rotation are vital for achieving width in your swing. Flexibility allows for a full range of motion, while body rotation enables you to make a complete turn away from and towards the target, creating more width.

By understanding these key elements and incorporating them into your golf swing technique, you can enhance your ability to achieve optimal width for better distance and accuracy off the tee.

Exercises to Strengthen and Maintain Width

To strengthen and maintain width in your golf swing, incorporating specific exercises into your training routine can be extremely beneficial. These exercises focus on developing the muscles needed for a wider swing, improving overall power and distance. Here are some exercises to help you enhance your golf swing width:

  1. Resistance Band Pulls: Attach a resistance band to a stable object and hold the other end in your lead hand (the hand closest to the target). Stand in your golf posture with the band across your chest, then slowly rotate back and forth, feeling the resistance as you maintain width throughout the movement.
  2. Medicine Ball Throws: Hold a medicine ball with both hands at chest height. Rotate your torso from side to side while maintaining firmness in your arms, mimicking the motion of the golf swing. This exercise helps develop rotational power while keeping your width intact.
  3. One-Arm Dumbbell Swings: Hold a dumbbell with one hand and stand in a shoulder-width stance. Swing the dumbbell back and forth while keeping both arms extended, focusing on maintaining width throughout the entire range of motion.

By incorporating these exercises into your regular workout routine, you can improve strength and stability in key areas of your body that contribute to maintaining width in your golf swing. Remember to always prioritize proper form and technique during each exercise for maximum effectiveness.

Overcompensating with Width

When it comes to achieving width in your golf swing, it’s important to find the right balance. While width is crucial for generating power and distance, overcompensating can lead to inconsistent shots and loss of control. One common mistake golfers make is trying to force width by excessively extending their arms at the expense of proper technique.

It’s essential to remember that width in the golf swing should be achieved naturally through a combination of rotation, rhythm, and sequencing. Instead of forcefully widening your swing by extending your arms, focus on maintaining a relaxed and connected motion.

To avoid overcompensating with width:

  • Keep your arms relaxed and tension-free throughout the swing
  • Focus on rotating your body and utilizing proper hip rotation
  • Maintain a smooth tempo and rhythm to ensure a fluid transition from backswing to downswing

By avoiding the temptation to overextend your arms and staying true to a natural swing motion, you’ll find that width comes effortlessly while still maintaining control over the clubface. Remember, finding the right balance between power and control is key to improving your overall game.

Losing Width in the Downswing

When it comes to the golf swing, maintaining width is crucial for generating power and distance. However, many golfers unknowingly lose width in their downswing, negatively affecting their shots. Losing width occurs when the arms collapse towards the body too early, resulting in a narrow swing and a loss of clubhead speed.

To avoid losing width in the downswing, golfers can focus on a few key techniques. First, maintaining proper shoulder rotation is essential. By turning the shoulders fully on the backswing and initiating the downswing with a strong hip rotation, golfers can ensure that their arms stay extended and maintain width throughout.

Additionally, engaging the lower body is important for maintaining width. As you transition from your backswing to your downswing, make sure to use your legs and hips to initiate the movement while keeping your arms extended.

Another common mistake that leads to lost width is an early release of the wrists. To prevent this, players should focus on keeping their wrists cocked for as long as possible, only releasing them at impact.

By paying attention to these key elements and practicing appropriate exercises, such as resistance band drills or towel drill swings that encourage wider motions in your swing path, golfers can prevent losing width in their downswing and maximize power and distance off the tee.


What is width in the golf swing?

Width in the golf swing refers to the extension or separation of the arms and body during the swing. It is important for generating power, accuracy, and consistency.

Why is width important in the golf swing?

Width is important in the golf swing because it allows for a wider swing arc, which generates more power and speed. It also helps in maintaining proper posture, balance, and control throughout the swing.

How can I improve width in my golf swing?

You can improve width in your golf swing by focusing on using the right arm properly, using drills specifically designed to improve width, and practicing exercises that strengthen and maintain width.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when it comes to width in the golf swing?

Some common mistakes to avoid when it comes to width in the golf swing are overcompensating with width, which can lead to loss of control, and losing width in the downswing, which can result in a decrease in power and accuracy.


In conclusion, achieving width in your golf swing is crucial for maximizing distance, power, and overall performance on the course. By incorporating the right techniques and maintaining proper form, you can improve your swing rhythm, rotation, and shoulder turn to generate greater clubhead speed. Remember to focus on arm extension and follow-through to ensure a complete swing that allows for optimal width. Additionally, practicing specific drills and exercises can help you develop and strengthen your golf swing width. Be mindful of common mistakes such as overcompensating with width or losing it in the downswing. By mastering the art of width in your golf swing, you’ll be well on your way to improving your game and achieving better results.