How to Correct Over the Top Golf Swing

An effective golf swing is crucial for achieving consistent and accurate shots on the course. However, many golfers struggle with coming over the top, which can result in various swing faults and poor ball contact. In this section, we will explore what it means to come over the top when swinging a golf club and discuss the common consequences of this error. We will also highlight some of the key reasons why golfers tend to come over the top and provide valuable insights on how to correct this issue for improved performance. So let’s dive in and discover how you can fix your over-the-top golf swing!

What is Coming Over the Top?

Coming over the top is a common swing flaw that many golfers experience. When your swing plane is off and you come over the top, it means that your club approaches the ball from an outside-to-inside path. This can result in a variety of issues, such as slices, pulls, and inconsistency in your shots.

One of the main consequences of coming over the top is that it prevents you from getting proper contact with the ball. This can lead to a loss of power and accuracy in your shots. Additionally, coming over the top often causes an open clubface at impact, resulting in slices or pulls.

Several factors contribute to coming over the top. One common reason is incorrect sequencing in your swing. If you initiate your downswing with your upper body instead of starting from the lower body, it can cause an over-the-top motion.

Another reason for coming over the top is poor balance during your swing. If you shift too much weight onto your front foot at impact, it can cause an out-to-in swing path.

Fixing these issues requires addressing specific elements of your technique and making adjustments accordingly. By focusing on improving sequencing, balance, grip, alignment, and other key aspects of your swing mechanics, you can correct the tendency to come over the top.

In the next section, I will share effective drills and exercises that will help you fix this problem and improve your golf swing mechanics overall.

What Happens When You Come Over the Top?

When you come over the top in your golf swing, there are several consequences that can negatively impact your game. Firstly, your shots will lack power and distance, as the clubhead approaches the ball from outside to inside, causing a glancing blow rather than solid contact. This results in shots that tend to slice or fade to the right (for right-handed golfers). Secondly, accuracy becomes a major challenge because the clubface is often open at impact due to the steep angle of attack. As a result, you may miss your target and end up in undesirable positions on the course. Lastly, inconsistent shot patterns become prevalent, with some shots flying straight while others spin off-target or have unpredictable trajectories. To prevent these issues and improve your overall performance, it’s essential to address and correct an over the top golf swing.

Common Reasons for Coming Over the Top

When it comes to coming over the top in your golf swing, there are several common reasons why it happens. Identifying these reasons can help you understand how to correct this issue and improve your swing technique.

One common reason for coming over the top is a poor grip. When your grip is incorrect, it can lead to an improper clubface position at impact, causing you to come over the top. To correct this, make sure you have a proper grip by aligning your hands correctly on the club and maintaining a neutral grip pressure.

Another reason for coming over the top is a lack of balance throughout your swing. If you are not balanced during your backswing and transition, it can result in an overly steep downswing path that causes you to come over the top. To improve your balance, focus on maintaining a stable lower body and keeping your weight centered throughout each phase of the swing.

Improper sequencing of your golf swing can also lead to coming over the top. When there is a breakdown in the sequence of movements from takeaway to follow-through, it can cause an uncoordinated swing motion that results in an over-the-top motion. To fix this, work on creating a smooth and fluid sequence where each movement flows naturally into the next.

By addressing these common reasons for coming over the top, you can make significant improvements in your golf swing technique and ultimately prevent this breakdown from occurring in future rounds. So put in some practice time focusing on these areas, and watch as your swing becomes more consistent and effective on the course.

How to Stop Coming Over the Top

One of the most effective ways to improve your golf swing is by addressing the issue of “Coming Over the Top.” This common problem occurs when your club moves in an outside-to-inside path during your downswing, causing a steep angle of attack and leading to inconsistent shots. To prevent this breakdown in your swing, there are several key steps you can take.

Firstly, it’s important to work on your golf swing sequencing , ensuring that each step flows smoothly from one to the next. Focus on starting your downswing with your lower body, followed by a gradual rotation of your hips and upper body. This will promote a more natural inside-to-outside swing path, reducing the tendency to come over the top.

Additionally, pay attention to maintaining proper golf swing balance throughout your swing. Keep equal pressure on both feet and avoid swaying away from the target or hanging back on your back foot during impact. By staying balanced, you’ll create a solid foundation for a more consistent swing.

Another area to consider is your golf grip technique. A correct grip helps control clubface alignment and prevents unwanted movements during the swing. Make sure you have a neutral grip with both hands working together as one unit throughout the swing.

Lastly, focus on achieving a smooth and controlled golf swing tempo. The correct tempo helps maintain rhythm and timing in your swing, preventing any rushed or jerky movements that can contribute to coming over the top.

By implementing these tips into your practice routine and focusing on improving these areas of your golf swing, you can successfully stop coming over the top and enjoy more consistent shots on the course.

Drills to Fix Coming Over the Top

To fix a coming over the top golf swing, there are several drills that can help improve your technique and prevent this common error. These drills focus on various aspects of your swing, such as sequencing, balance, follow-through, and grip. By practicing these drills regularly, you can correct the flaws in your swing and develop a more consistent and powerful motion.

  1. Sequencing Drill: Practice the proper sequence of your downswing by starting with your lower body rotation, followed by your arms and club. This drill helps to prevent an early release of the club and promotes a better timing in your swing.
  2. Balance Drill: Improve your balance during the swing by standing on one leg while hitting shots. This drill encourages stability and helps you maintain a smooth transition from backswing to downswing.
  3. Follow-Through Drill: Focus on finishing your swing properly with a full extension of your arms and a high follow-through position. This drill promotes a consistent release of the club and prevents an abrupt stop in your motion.
  4. Grip Pressure Drill: Pay attention to how tightly you grip the club throughout the swing. A relaxed grip allows for better control and helps prevent excessive tension that can lead to compensations.
  5. Alignment Drill: Use alignment sticks or clubs placed on the ground to check if you’re aligned correctly at address and throughout the swing. Proper alignment ensures that you’re swinging along the desired path.
  6. Tempo Drill: Practice swinging with a slow tempo, focusing on maintaining rhythm throughout the entire motion. A smooth tempo helps promote better sequencing and reduces potential rushing or overrotation.

Incorporate these drills into your practice routine to fix coming over the top issues in your golf swing. Practicing consistently with these focused exercises will help build muscle memory for a more efficient and correct golf swing.


In conclusion, it is crucial to address and correct the issues associated with an over-the-top golf swing to improve your overall game. By implementing the tips and drills provided in this article, you can prevent golf swing breakdowns, avoid common errors, and improve your follow-through. Additionally, focusing on balance and sequencing will help you avoid overextension and inconsistencies in your swing. Correcting your technique will result in a better grip, improved speed, and greater power. By paying attention to alignment, plane, release, tempo, transition, path, accuracy, and mechanics, you can fix faults such as slicing or overrotation. Remember that practice and patience are key when working towards a more efficient golf swing.