Clearing Your Hips in the Golf Swing

Clearing your hips is a fundamental aspect of a powerful and efficient golf swing. This motion allows you to generate more clubhead speed, improve accuracy, and increase distance off the tee. In this section, we will explore why clearing the hips is important in the golf swing and how it can benefit your game.

When you have proper hip clearance, it allows for a full rotation of your body during the downswing. This rotation creates torque and transfers energy from your lower body to your upper body, resulting in a powerful release through impact. Additionally, clearing your hips helps create space for your arms to come through naturally, preventing any impeding movements that could hinder consistency or power.

So if you want to take your golf game to the next level and maximize both distance and accuracy off the tee, understanding how to effectively clear your hips is essential. Let’s dive deeper into this crucial aspect of the golf swing and discover some key tips on how to achieve optimal hip clearance for better performance on every shot.

What does clearing the hips do in the golf swing?

Clearing the hips in the golf swing is a crucial component for generating power and accuracy. It allows for proper rotation, weight transfer, and clubhead speed. So, what exactly does clearing the hips do in the golf swing?

Firstly, clearing the hips enables you to generate more torque through the twisting motion of your body. As you rotate your hips towards the target, it creates a separation between your upper and lower body. This separation stores energy that can be released as you uncoil through impact, leading to increased power.

Secondly, clearing the hips promotes proper weight transfer from backswing to downswing. By shifting your weight onto your lead leg while clearing your hips, you ensure that your body moves in sync with the swinging motion of the club.

Lastly, clearing the hips also helps with maintaining balance throughout the swing. It allows for a smooth transition from backswing to downswing, preventing any awkward movements or compensations that may affect your shot’s accuracy.

In summary, clearing the hips in the golf swing plays a vital role in generating power, promoting proper weight transfer, and maintaining balance throughout your swing.

Should you fire your hips in the golf swing?

When it comes to the world of golf swing, few topics stir up as much discussion and controversy as whether or not one should “fire” their hips. Now, don’t be alarmed by this fiery terminology – it simply refers to a lively and forceful movement of the hips during the downward part of your swing. While some fellow golfers swear by this hip action, claiming it generates power and speed, others caution that it might lead to inconsistency and loss of control.

So, what’s the verdict? Well, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It all boils down to your personal style of play, your physical capabilities, and your level of skill on the green. If you happen to possess good hip mobility and flexibility, firing those hips can indeed help you amp up your clubhead speed and achieve longer distances. However, if you find yourself struggling with hip clearance or limited mobility in that area, forcefully engaging in a massive hip turn could result in less-than-stellar contact with the ball and pesky off-target shots.

Therefore, striking the perfect balance between power and control is key when honing your swing skills. Feel free to experiment with various hip movements during practice sessions and observe how they influence factors like ball flight and accuracy. Remember though, maintaining consistency reigns supreme over sheer brute force in this game. Prioritize practicing proper technique while seeking guidance from a seasoned golf coach or instructor who can offer tailored advice based on your unique requirements.

In essence, there’s no harm in trying out different approaches on the course. After all, each golfer possesses their own set of strengths and weaknesses that contribute to their individualized playing experience. So go ahead and find what works best for you by dedicating time towards refining a smooth yet efficient swing that harnesses both power and precision effortlessly.

When should you clear your hips in the golf swing?

In the golf swing, timing is crucial. Knowing when to clear your hips can greatly impact the success of your shot. So, when should you clear your hips in the golf swing? The answer lies in the sequencing of your body movements.

As you initiate your downswing, the first movement should come from your lower body. This means that just before you make contact with the ball, you need to engage your hips and start rotating them towards the target. This allows for a smooth transition of power from your legs to your upper body, resulting in a more powerful and accurate shot.

Proper timing also ensures that you maintain balance throughout the swing and avoid any unnecessary tension or strain on other parts of your body.

To help visualize this movement, imagine throwing a ball: as you step forward with one foot, twist your hips towards the target to generate power. The same principle applies in golf.

By clearing your hips at the right moment during the downswing, you set yourself up for a more fluid and powerful swing. Practice this timing alongside other key techniques to improve your overall performance on the golf course.

What happens if you don’t clear your hips in the golf swing?

If you don’t clear your hips in the golf swing, you may encounter some challenges that can affect your overall performance. First and foremost, not clearing your hips can restrict your hip rotation, leading to a limited range of motion and reduced power in your swing. This means you might struggle to generate the necessary clubhead speed to hit the ball as far as you’d like.

Additionally, failing to clear your hips can disrupt the timing and sequencing of your swing. It can put strain on other parts of your body, such as your back or shoulders, as they compensate for the lack of hip movement. This imbalance can lead to inconsistent shots and potential injuries over time.

To avoid these issues, it’s essential to prioritize hip clearance in the golf swing. By doing so, you’ll unlock more distance, improve accuracy, and maintain a fluid and efficient swing motion.

How to clear your hips in the golf swing

In order to achieve a powerful and effective golf swing, it is crucial to properly clear your hips. Clearing the hips enables you to generate maximum power and create the desired clubhead speed. In this section, we will discuss some essential tips on how to clear your hips in the golf swing. By following these techniques, you can improve your swing mechanics and take your game to the next level. So let’s dive in and explore these key steps for achieving optimal hip clearance in your golf swing.

Feel #1: Flatten your lead elbow and hand

To achieve proper hip clearance in the golf swing, one of the key feelings you should focus on is to flatten your lead elbow and hand. This movement not only helps create space for your hips to clear, but it also promotes a more efficient swing path.

When you flatten your lead elbow and hand, it means that you should keep them closer to your body during the backswing. This position allows your upper body to rotate properly, preventing any unnecessary lateral movements that can restrict hip rotation.

Imagine holding a tray or pressing it against your chest as you swing. This feeling will help maintain the connection between your upper body and hips throughout the swing while enabling a smooth transition through impact.

By prioritizing this feeling of flattening your lead elbow and hand, you’ll be able to improve hip mobility, unlock more power, and enhance overall consistency in your golf swing.

Feel #2: Keep your trail elbow tucked

To ensure a powerful and efficient golf swing, it’s important to focus on maintaining the correct positioning of your trail elbow. Keeping your trail elbow tucked is a crucial element in clearing your hips during the golf swing.

The position of the trail elbow plays a significant role in maintaining proper hip clearance. As you rotate your hips during the swing, keeping your trail elbow close to your body allows for unrestricted movement and ensures optimal power transfer from your lower body to the clubhead.

By keeping the trail elbow tucked, you create space for your hips to rotate freely without any obstruction. This allows for a smooth transition and maximizes the potential for generating clubhead speed and accuracy.

To practice this feel, imagine holding a towel or glove under your trail armpit throughout your swing. This will help you maintain the correct alignment and prevent any unnecessary movements or loss of power.

Remember, by focusing on keeping your trail elbow tucked in, you’ll enhance hip mobility in golf by ensuring proper hip clearance and promoting an effective sequence of movements that leads to a powerful swing.

Feel #3: Turn the doorknob open

To achieve proper hip clearance in the golf swing, it’s important to focus on the third feel: turning the doorknob open. This movement is crucial for generating power and maximizing clubhead speed.

When you reach the top of your backswing, imagine that you are holding a doorknob in your lead hand. As you start your downswing, visualize rotating this imaginary doorknob open towards the target. This motion will initiate the rotation of your hips and create separation between your upper and lower body.

By actively engaging your hips and turning the doorknob open, you allow for a more efficient transfer of energy from your lower body to the clubhead. This results in increased distance and improved accuracy on your shots.

Remember to practice this feel with slow and controlled swings initially to develop muscle memory. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the speed of your swings while maintaining proper form.


In conclusion, clearing your hips in the golf swing is a vital aspect that contributes to a powerful and accurate shot. It allows for proper weight transfer, generates clubhead speed, and promotes consistent contact with the ball. By incorporating the hip clearance golf drill into your practice routine, you can improve your balance, stability, and overall performance on the course.

Remember to pay attention to your hip turn in golf and maintain hip flexibility in golf. These factors play an essential role in ensuring a smooth and efficient swing motion. Additionally, focusing on proper timing and sequencing of hip movement will optimize your swing mechanics.

Ultimately, mastering the skill of clearing your hips in the golf swing requires practice and dedication. Incorporate the recommended techniques such as flattening your lead elbow and hand, keeping your trail elbow tucked, and turning the doorknob open to enhance your ability to clear the hips effectively.

By implementing these strategies, you can unlock greater distance, accuracy, and consistency in your golf shots. So next time you’re on the course, remember to prioritize hip clearance to elevate your game to new heights!


What does clearing the hips do in the golf swing?

Clearing the hips in the golf swing allows for proper weight transfer and helps generate power and distance in your shots.

Should you fire your hips in the golf swing?

Yes, firing your hips in the golf swing is an important component of generating power and creating a consistent and efficient swing.

When should you clear your hips in the golf swing?

You should start clearing your hips at the start of your downswing, just after reaching the top of your backswing.

What happens if you don’t clear your hips in the golf swing?

If you don’t clear your hips in the golf swing, it can result in a loss of power, inconsistency, and a variety of swing faults, including slices and hooks.

How do you clear your hips in the golf swing?

To clear your hips in the golf swing, you can focus on flattening your lead elbow and hand, keeping your trail elbow tucked, and turning the doorknob open with your lead hand.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, clearing your hips in the golf swing is a crucial aspect that can greatly improve your game. It allows for better weight transfer, increased power, and improved ball striking. By effectively clearing your hips, you create space for a proper downswing and generate more clubhead speed.

Remember, to clear your hips effectively, it’s essential to focus on correct technique and body positioning. Implementing the tips mentioned earlier such as flattening your lead elbow and hand, keeping your trail elbow tucked, and turning the doorknob open will help you achieve the desired hip clearance in the golf swing.

As with any skill in golf, practice is key. Take the time to work on clearing your hips during practice sessions and emphasize incorporating it into your swing mechanics. With consistent effort and attention to detail, you’ll see significant improvements in both distance and accuracy.

So go ahead and apply these techniques to your game. Clear those hips like a pro golfer and watch as your shots soar down the fairway with precision and power!